All the world, an eggshell

Posted: Thursday, May 21, 2009
Still working busily on this third Rocket Johnny episode. Tough scene that I need to get through, er , right now. (I should be doing that instead of writing this). And then, it's packing and cleaning in preparation for our trip. We leave either Saturday night or, more likely, Sunday morning.

My wonderful wife has locked me out of my e-mail. No, it's okay, I asked her too. The less internet I'm around, the better. Web 2.0 and Social Internet is wonderful stuff, but it IS distracting, especially when you can be as compulsive as I can. And I've got too much stuff to get done to be able to afford a day lost to just staring at the 'net.

I'll probably maintain this blog while I'm on the road. I can do entries from my phone after all. Then again, I might also go completely Dark for the couple of weeks we're gone. I'm sort of keen on that idea too. More keen the more I talk about it. But we'll see.

I have a list I made of "things that I need to get written." It's a long list. Novels, comics, short stories, serials. It's a long, long list. And depressing, in a way. Sort of like being very badly out of shape and very badly overweight and looking up at all the stairs in the Statue of Liberty. Ah well. It's good to have too many ideas than none at all.


I have just had, as I typed that last paragraph, a major idea for Rocket Johnny. which changes everything. So I am going to end this post and go engage in a tried-and-true writing technique which is: wash dishes and stare into space.


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