Scritch, scritch, scritch...

Posted: Monday, May 18, 2009
The title only sort of refers to the sound my pen makes as it puts words on paper, further advancing an episode that I am determined to get out of alive. It more refers to the feeling in my throat, and metaphorically, the feeling in my head. I am rapidly going from "sore throat and ugh" to "sore throat and sick..."

This fails to surprise me, since we leave for our trip this coming Sunday. Therefore, Zach and I will both get very ill before we go. And Something Unexpected Will Happen. What? I don't know, it will be unexpected. This is the nature of just-before-trips.

Right. Time to put small human to bed, then see if I can fix the house internet, and then get back to writing. And then go to bed thirty seconds before I sick-crash totally.


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